NSBN Projects - Lawndale

Community Profile


Lawndale City Mayor - Harold Hofmann

Hawthorne City Mayor - Larry Guidi

Lawndale Elementary School District Superintendent - Dr. Joseph Condon

LA County Children's Planning Council Service Planning Area 8

Los Angeles County Supervisorial District 2 - Yvonne B. Burke

State Assembly District 51 - Jerome Horton

State Senate District 25 - Edward Vincent

Congressional District 35 - Maxine Waters
Area Statistics

Ethnicity/Race: Latinos represent 48% of the project area population, Blacks 36%, Asians 7%, and Whites 6%.

Income/Poverty: 40% of all households made less than $25,000 a year with 24% persons in poverty.

Education/Language Spoken: 59% of all adults have less than a 12 th grade education. A majority (55%) of residents speak a non-English language at home.

Substantial Presence of Families With Children Ages 0-5

The project area and city have a greater proportion of families with children ages 0-5

  • 19.5 -- 277 out of 1,424 - of families in the project census tract have children ages of 0-6.
  • 17.7% -- 3,502 out of 19,775 - of families in Hawthorne have children ages 0-6.
  • 15% -- 1,036 of 7,024 - of families in Lawndale have children ages of 0-6.
  • 14% -- 290,442 of 2,136,977 - of families in Los Angeles County have children ages 0-6.

Lower Average 3 rd Grade Reading Scores

The percentage of 3rd graders with reading scores at or above the national average was 13% lower than 3rd graders of the county in 2002.

  • 25% of 3 rd graders in Lawndale scored at or above the 50 th National Percentile in reading.
  • 41% of 3 rd graders in Los Angeles County scored at or above the 50 th National Percentile in reading.
  • The districts with the highest percentage of 3 rd graders scoring at or above the 50 th National Percentile in reading were La Canada (91%) and Manhattan Beach (93%)
  • The districts with the lowest percentage of 3 rd graders scoring at or above the 50 th National Percentile in reading were Lennox (16%) and Compton (22%).

Higher Incidence of Low-birth Weight Babies

The rate of babies with low birth weights was 16% higher in the project area than countywide in 2001.

  • 76.9 babies per 1,000 live births in Lawndale were born with low birth weights.
  • 67.1 babies per 1,000 live births in Hawthorne were born with low birth weights.
  • 66.5 babies per 1,000 live births in Los Angeles County were born with low birth weights.

Somewhat Lower Incidence of Newborn Disability and Disease

When compared to the County, the infant death rate was 30% lower in Lawndale , and nearly 50% higher in Hawthorne

  • The infant death rate in Lawndale was 3.5 per 1,000 live births
  • The infant death rate in Hawthorne was 9 per 1,000 live births.
  • The infant death rate in Los Angeles County was 5.0 per 1,000 live births

Lower Incidence of Family Violence

Lawndale had a 40% lower rate of domestic violence calls than the county at large in 2001, while Hawthorne had a rate close to County's.

  • In Lawndale there were 378 domestic violence calls per 100,000 residents-300 involved weapons.
  • In Hawthorne there were 657 domestic violence calls per 100,000 residents - 628 involved weapons.
  • In Los Angeles County there were 626 domestic violence calls per 100,000 residents-449 involved weapons.
  • County cities with the highest rate of domestic violence calls were Whittier (1,483 per 100,000) and Avalon (1,375 per 100,000).
  • County cities with the lowest rate of domestic violence calls were Hidden Hills (0 per 100,000) and San Marino (7.72 per 100,000).

Lawndale had a violent crime rate that was roughly in-line with the county at large in 2001.

Hawthorne 's rate was nearly 20% higher than the county

  • In Lawndale there were 933.4 violent crimes reported per 100,000 residents.
  • In Hawthorne there were 1186 violent crimes reported per 100,000 residents.
  • In Los Angeles County there were 943.4 violent crimes reported per 100,000 residents.
  • County cities with the highest violent crime rates were Irwindale (2,143.8 per 100,000) and Compton (2,091 per 100,000).
  • County cities with the lowest violent crime rates were San Marino (30.8 per 100,000) and Palos Verdes Estates (52.4 per 100,000).